young people award

Bristol Wing wins the Children & Young People Now Award

The Bristol Wing, our YMCA hostel in Bristol has just won an award from Children & Young People Now for their early intervention work with young people at risk of homelessness.

Mike Fairbeard, our CEO says ‘this is fabulous recognition for the exceptional work that happens in Bristol by our dedicated staff team’.  The Bristol Wing opened in Jan 2018 and operates as a social enterprise where by all the running costs of the hostel are met by 18 commercial bedrooms for backpackers, groups etc, and 9 single bedrooms are for young people who are at risk of homelessness in Bristol – they get support and breathing space whilst longer terms solutions are sought. We have successfully assisted 47 young people to date to move on, who would otherwise potentially have been homeless.

This side of the work is funded by The Bristol Wing, everyone who stays is making a small contribution to our work through their room rate. Therefore if someone choses to stay with us not only are they getting a great experience but they are also helping someone else by giving them a chance of accessing the support they need.

We have two part time Chaplains that work in the hostel with our longer term residents and with our guests. They are there for anything from support work through to sharing some time over a cup of tea with you and telling you all about Bristol or the work we do. They organise a weekly meal called ‘the feast’ where a big meal is cooked for everyone in the hostel to partake in. They help create the community atmosphere that we are so proud of and helps to make us different from other accommodation providers.