Eco-Friendly Explorations: Travel Sustainably at The Bristol Wing

The way we travel has changed significantly in the past decade, even in the past three years thanks to that inconvenient pandemic we wont mention. With the ever-changing world, sustainability is at the forefront of our minds. Many of us have become eco-conscious travellers. But lucky for you (and us) hostels are a fantastic choice for travelling affordably and sustainably! Sustainable travel is more than a trend – we all have a responsibility to do what we can for our planet and our community. At The Bristol Wing, we know we are only just at the beginning of our sustainability journey, and we are always looking for ways to improve our footprint alongside your visitor experience.

If you are an eco-conscious traveller (which hopefully you are) here are just a few of the many reasons why staying in a hostel like The Wing is a great choice for you!

Embracing Shared Spaces

Hostels promote the concept of shared spaces, encouraging travellers to come together and foster a sense of community. Hey, community is one of our YMCA Brunel Group values! How convenient! By sharing dormitories, bathrooms, and common areas, guests can significantly reduce their resource consumption. Maybe you’ll even meet some other like-minded people while you’re here.

Supporting Local Communities

We prioritize supporting local communities by sourcing goods and services from nearby businesses. There are so many amazing independent venues and restaurants around. We are more than happy to point you in the right direction. We are part of a local, independent charity, YMCA Brunel Group. YMCA BG works within communities offering support to children and families, young people at risk of homelessness, and more. By choosing to stay at The Bristol Wing, you are supporting our efforts to build strong communities where everyone can thrive.

Encouraging Sustainable Practices

At The Bristol Wing, we strive to implement eco-friendly initiatives where we can. We use sustainable cleaning materials across the hostel, and Who Gives A Crap toilet paper. Because we love birds, we have bird boxes installed into the brick work of our building. We are hoping to one-day have a rooftop pollinator garden.

Alternative Transportation

The benefit of our hostel is that we are located right in the centre of Bristol. Almost everyone is in walking distance, or easily accessible by public transportation. You can easily walk, cycle, or grab a bus to anywhere you’d like to go. By doing so, you can reduce your carbon footprint and explore in a more sustainable way.

Bird Watching

If you haven’t noticed already, we love birds! And birds love us! Well…pigeons mainly. While you’re here, why don’t you do some learning about birds in your downtime? Did you know bird poo is actually a really useful fertiliser? Read this fun article about how birds are important to the environment: 6 Unexpected Ways Birds Are Important for the Environment (and People) | Audubon

Staying at The Bristol Wing can be more than just a budget-friendly accommodation choice—it can also be a conscious decision to embrace sustainable travel practices. We look forward to welcoming you!

*disclaimer: we do not accept pet birds, sorry!