Meet the team – Shannon (Shazzy)

Shannon (Shazzy) has been with us at the Bristol Wing for a mere 15 weeks, but in a short time her impact has been huge. Shazzy welcomes guests with a genuine smile and a bubbly personality that you can’t help but warm to!

What attracted you to the role/how did you become involved with the YMCA?

After a lengthy career on the railway, I felt a yearning to put my passion for people and naturally excitable energy into a career that not only suited me better as a person, but to be part of an organisation that I can be proud of.  The YMCA carries out so much important work in communities in so many different ways, and it’s really heart-warming to be part of an organisation that cares for these causes.  After deciding I wanted a change of direction in my career path, I very much hoped to find a job that was a healthy balance of customer service -which I love, and to also be associated with a caring charitable organisation.  I believe my job here at the Bristol Wing is the exact chemistry and match I was hoping for.

What does a normal day at work look like for you?

As a Duty Manager at the Bristol Wing, a day can be incredibly varied, and our whole Bristol Wing Team work together to maintain a fabulous space for our guests to stay in that will make them want to come back again and tell all their friends about us.

I specifically love my own Duty Manager role because my specific hours of work on the afternoon/evening shift mean I get to check-in and welcome all our guests as they arrive and be their first point of contact and often their first impression when they walk through our doors.

In the practical sense, I ensure all check-ins are processed smoothly and correctly, that our guests receive all the relevant information they need for their stay, what we offer and give them a warm welcome making them feel immediately at home.  In the less formal sense -I get to usher them in with a big smile and get a feel for what they may need to make their stay more comfortable.  In many cases I have a nice natter with them about any plans they may have already, and offer suggestions for things they may potentially enjoy if they want some inspiration 🙂  Personally this is always so interesting and enjoyable for me  because I can often match guests to events and attractions in the community they will love that they had no idea about, and vice-versa -I learn so much about what’s going on through them also which I am able to share or even enjoy myself!

The diversity of our guests in terms of personalities, cultures and interests is so vast and unique and I enjoy some wonderful conversations with some of our guests, many of which have made lasting impacts on me.

The rest of my shift involves maintaining all aspects of the Bristol wing that may require my attention throughout the shift.  This includes safety, cleanliness, organisation and all administrative tasks on our front reception desk, be it face to face, online or on the telephone.

As the evening draws in at the Bristol Wing, our communal area becomes lovely and cosy.  We put on our fairy lights, people cook and eat meals together in and around the kitchen table, watch tv and play games together.  They relax, share ideas and mingle, chatting away, sometimes being from opposite ends of the planet.  Other times you will find two people chatting away after realising they happen to be from the same tiny town on the other side of the world. It’s such a lovely vibe to sit there and watch this unfold and to be able to be included also.  I have a great time 🙂

Work can be hard – what do you do to unwind?

I wouldn’t say I’m renowned for my ability to unwind and have been likened to a hurricane on occasions lol!

However, this is something I am personally working on to consciously make time for and prioritise.  I feel like my new role here at the Bristol wing has really aided me in that and helped me achieve a far better work life balance than I had previously.

To me, unwinding is making time for the things I love.  Sewing is a huge and longtime passion of mine and locking myself in a room with a creative project is so fulfilling for me.

Upcycling old furniture is another creative happy place for me and a lot of the crazy furniture designs in my own home have been made of old, broken or abandoned pieces of someone else’s junk that I have lovingly restored and transformed into a treasured piece that I get to enjoy in my own home.  I’m a big believer in dopamine decoration -I thrive on colour in my surroundings and my furniture and clothing creations reflect this.

I also try to stay active. I love running and am fortunate enough to live close to some beautiful central running spots in Bristol.  Since completing my first Marathon in 2020, a goal that I was curious and determined to achieve, the way I run has changed.  My runs are smaller, personal, local and more for enjoyment instead of training, which is great.

I feel that since ticking off that particular goal, my purpose is to run now for enjoyment and self-care  as opposed to sticking to a training schedule which is really healthy for me 🙂

Why do you do what you do?

I do this because the YMCA is an organisation I believe in and am incredibly proud to be part of.  They care about the things I care about; they offer support to people that need it so much and would struggle to access it otherwise in many cases.  That feels worthwhile, important and very fulfilling to be able to say I work for a company that does this.  Why do I do what I do specifically at the Bristol Wing?  because it’s like being part of a lovely big family.  I feel like I’ve been accepted and taken such good care of by my beautiful bunch of colleagues here at the Wing, the guests are fabulous, and I find myself giggling and smiling constantly while I’m at work – what day at work is better than that? 🙂

What’s the most important piece of advice you’ve ever received?

Although this advice was not given to me directly, I do love it and try to live by it -so much so that it is on a print in my hallway at home as you enter my flat.

In one of my favourite films, Alice in Wonderland, the mad hatter delivers some brilliant advice in my opinion to Alice……

“The secret Alice, is to surround yourself with people who make your heart smile. It is then, only then, that you will find wonderland.”

In my opinion this doesn’t just have to mean people, it could be things, colours, places, sounds -absolutely anything.  Just surround yourself with everything that makes you feel good in any situation you can🙂